Harnessing the human-animal bond to change lives
Harnessing the human-animal bond to change lives
Velde, Cipriani and Fisher (2005). Resident and therapist views of animal-assisted therapy: Implications for occupational therapy practice
Herbert and Greene (2001). Effect of preference on distance walked by
assisted living residents
Baun and Johnson (2010). Human animal interaction and successful
Martin and Farnum (2002). Animal-assisted therapy for children with
pervasive developmental disorders
Schuck, S. E., Emmerson, N. A., Fine, A. H., & Lakes, K. D. (2013). Canine-
assisted therapy for children with ADHD: preliminary findings from the
positive assertive cooperative kids study
Ferrese, L., Forster, B., Kowalski, R. and Wasilewski, L. (1998). Occupational therapists: Persepectives on using animal-assisted therapy with an elderly population
Garland C., Hayik S., Machonis C., McDonough C. and Johnson C. (1997). Emotional effects of pet facilitated therapy on hospice residents